Tuesday, September 2, 2008

High school survival kit

Ian Williams
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

School has just begun and the first-ever high school students are about to realise that 'big' school is not what it looks like on the outside and that they have just entered into the jungle of life.

But TEENage wants you to know that we have your perfect survival guide through this time - the early stages of the 'jungle' called high school.

5 Stay out of fights
Not every one will be kind to you and some students will pick on you for no apparent reason. To keep a good reputation, avoid students who are up to no good. Quickly end arguments that may develop and report all forms of harassment to a teacher.

4 Be a leader not a follower
This tip is VERY important: always be a leader. never follow anyone. Never let any student tell you what to do. If you are going to get in trouble, let it be on your own accord. Never be left wondering what would have happened if you had just listened to your conscience.

3 Work hard
Also very important is working hard; remember you write your own transcript because every grade matters. Whenever you feel like you are not prepared for a test, just act as if this could be the grade that decides whether or not you get accepted to the college/university of your choice.

2 Choose friends wisely
We at TEENage must elaborate on this point. Friends are the makers and breakers of a good high school life. The friend you choose must be trustworthy, honest and must always want to see the best of you at all times. This might mean that you have to wait a while before you choose your friends. Take a while and observe the characteristics of each individual, believe it or not good friends are out there.