Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gustav halts school preparations

published: Tuesday | September 2, 2008

Hyacinth Allen of the McGregor Gully community in St Andrew talks about her back-to-school preparations yesterday. - Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer

Many parents believe they have fallen behind in back-to-school preparations as a result of losses suffered during the passage of Tropical Storm Gustav, even though the Ministry of Education has rescheduled the official reopening of schools.

Residents living on First and Fourth avenues, in McGregor Gully in St Andrew, were yesterday sorting through personal items, washing clothes and air-drying furniture.

Sisters Hyacinth and Audrey Allen's shared family quarters were ruined during the torrential onslaught brought by Gustav. Audrey told The Gleaner that she had suffered a great loss, having spent in excess of $30,000 on school items for her four children who are yet to start school.

The Seventh-day Adventist church on the opposite side of the gully provided residents with a meal on Sunday evening.

Broken spirit

"My children can't stay here, they are by friends and family all over the place. I have no money for books, uniforms, nothing. what are they going to go to school with?" she asked. "I've lived through years of gunshots, elections and nothing has ever broken my spirit like this."

Juliet Samuels shared a similar experience to Allen's, as she relayed how her home was submerged.

"Right now I don't have a pot or pan to cook in, and there is no clean water. So even if the school is ready, there is no bathroom for them to get ready, or place for them to eat or sleep."